Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Meat and Health. by James Arjuna

We know from genetics that we have common cells to pigs, chickens, rats, cows, chimps, monkeys, (and other animals) and that a human virus can be transmitted from those animals into humans and from humans into the hosts cells of those animals.

When we "share" viruses with animals by increasing the odds, by cultivating them for "food", we are just asking for pandemics. Every medical student knows this. Yet the meat lobby who make billions of dollars off the sale of meat control what "science" is allowed to tell people. And the medical doctors instead of curing the problem are supposed to just deal with it.  Maybe they just like having more sick people to come to their place of work, also called "customers". The more customers the more validated they become.

In the meantime it is well known that people who don't eat certain types of meat live longer and have healthier lives , no matter what genetic predisposition they have.  Certain meat are triggers for cancer, heart disease, diabetes and many of the autoimmune diseases we have given to ourselves by ignorance. Nearly 100% of people now have these bad genes and all would do well to avoid high quantity meat diets. Fish seems way better, but, with all the pollution in the ocean,  maybe high mountain trout would be better. 

Science's  goal is not creating confusion, but should be doing anything to stop this madness. We know all this, but do you hear any scientists,  MD's, geneticists, biologists, any of those who are supposed to be the "educated ones" are not doing anything to stop the madness.

I used to work for the company who printed "Runners' World" magazine. They published a book back in 1972 showing studies going back to 1915 on vegetarian runners vs meat eaters and how poorly the meat eaters did..They showed from statistical studies,  how poorly they healed from muscle and tendon strain and how much more stamina the vegetarians had.  But maybe the meat eaters were not eating other foods to balance out.  We don't know except that the vegetarians ran longer and healed faster.

Since then I have read many hundreds of articles on medical problems associated with meat. This is not a new knowledge, but it is one that is not studied because of the meat lobby and the meat addiction many MD's, scientists, geneticists, biologists have.  But I wonder if the problem isn't just the meat but the way meat is grown and even slaughtered?  A common idea is that they are terrified right before they die so they have adrenaline pumping in the meat.  So people are dosing on adrenalin.  

People are compulsive and NOT rational. Science means nothing if it doesn't support their suicidal compulsions and validates them. If you want to get elected you must promote immorality and disgusting behavior as not only "acceptable" but to be elevated to "good".

Eating badly grown and processed meat, spreading STD's, anal sex, seem to be compulsions that are scientifically proven beyond all doubts and known to be killing people, but who cares? The medical doctors are not allowed to even talk about this. It is politically incorrect.          

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